Roasted butternut squash is a perfect fall side with a dash of nutmeg and just the right amount of sweetness. Its rich fall color along with the taste of candied pecans and nutmeg make it an excellent choice for a Thanksgiving side dish.
Mix onions and squash with ¼ cup oil and spread in a roasting pan with sides that has been prepared with non-stick cooking spray.
Sprinkle ⅓ cup brown sugar evenly across vegetables, then grind ¼ teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg evenly over the vegetables.
Mix gently with hands to distribute the brown sugar and nutmeg among the vegetables.
Bake for 35-45 minutes, gently stirring a couple of times during baking.
While squash is baking, prepare candied pecans as directed below.
When squash is turning brown on the edges and there is no longer any liquid in the pan, remove the vegetables from the oven.
Gently stir one-half to two-thirds (depending on how much you want to reserve for topping based on the size and shape of your serving dish) of the pecans into the squash, then place into a serving bowl. Sprinkle the remaining pecans on top of the squash and serve immediately.
Candied Pecans
While vegetables are baking, prepare the pecans by melting 2½ teaspoons butter in a small fry pan.
Add ¾ cup pecan pieces and toss to coat, then add 1½ teaspoons brown sugar.
Cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently.
When pecans are starting to brown and the sugar starts to caramelize, turn off the heat.
The roasting vegetables will release quite a bit of liquid as they cook, so be sure that your roasting pan has sides.
When stirring, be very gentle to prevent mashing the squash.